Hi everyone, in this article you can find the common data analytics that can be performed in internal audit of Procure To Pay (P2P) process. The entire article contains around 30 key data analytics w.r.t P2P process in two parts (part I &II).
price discovery
Compare the material prices with prices available on internet and
provide results with deviations
price negotiations with suppliers
Identify prices that have never changed for a
considerable number of days
Splitting POs
to by pass approval matrix – check for multiple POs with the same supplier in
same time frame
To check if the multiple POs are created with the
following conditions
o Same PO (Provide an option to increase the number of days + same vendor code and name + Different POs
Gap in the
purchase order numbers in the PO dump
Check for any gap between sequential number in the
purchase orders from the purchase register
To check if a
PO has been created for the same material for which a previous PO is still open
To check the following combinations of PO has been
created, while the PO of the same combination is still open
o Same material + same vendor + different document + GRN date of the first PO is after the subsequent PO date
Purchase order
created post receipt of materials
Compare the PO details with respective GRN, to check
on the following discrepancies
PO creation date = GRN date
o PO creation date > GRN date
PR and PO is
created by the same user
Identify the cases where the user who has created
the PO is as same as the user who created the PR
To check if the same invoices are recorded twice.
Use the following logic for the conditions mentioned.
o Same vendor code + same vendor invoice number + same GRN + same material code + same PO number + same document date
To check if
there any potential bonus purchase returns
Mapping purchase returns to the actual purchase transactions made with
the following combinations
Same vendor number + same material code + same
vendor invoice number + same GRN + negative of purchase value
Duplicate payments
To check if there is any duplicate payment made with the following
Exact vendor code + same invoice number
To check on the
availment of credit period
To check if any payments are made to the supplier prior to the payment
due date
Pay term / payment due date (net due date) Vs
payment date